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Standing up for a Sustainable World (2021)

edited by C. Henri, N Stern, and J. Rockström 

Renewable Energy Policies for Cities (2021)

Cases from China, Uganda, and Costa Rica, chapter written for IRENA 

The Fully Charged Guide to Electric Vehicles & Clean Energy (2020) 

Edited by R. Llewellyn, chapter written for Fully Charged Programme  (London)

National Decarbonization Plan of Costa Rica to 2050 (2019) 

co-drafted as a consultant for the Government of Costa Rica

Electrifying Bus Routes: Insights from Mexico City (2019)

Drafted for C40 - Finance Facility team 





Reduciendo la brecha del crecimiento verde en Costa Rica

Ilmi Granoff, Monica Araya, Philipp Ulbrich, Sam Pickard y Caroline Haywood

Papel GIZ con el Overseas Development Institute (ODI) y la Climate and Development Knowledge Network,  

Berlín (noviembre de 2015)

La relevancia del Acuerdo sobre bienes ambientales para promover los objetivos y los ODS del Acuerdo de París.

Un enfoque en las energías limpias y la experiencia de Costa Rica

Centro Internacional de Comercio y Desarrollo Sostenible

Ginebra (diciembre de 2016)


Un nuevo acuerdo global puede catalizar la acción climática en América Latina

Guy Edwards, Timmons Roberts, Monica Araya y Cristián Retamal

Papel Brookings ,  

Washington, DC (mayo de 2015)

Monica has been writing since 1998 on various topics related to climate, sustainability and development.

For the list before 2015 including her writing on trade and environment during her time as director of the Sustainable Americas Project at Yale please contact her directly.

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